Monday, December 31, 2007

2007: A Year in Review...

So much has happened in this last year, and 2007 has whirl-winded by....

As I sit here with my new diabetes diagnosis, it's hard to imagine that at this time last year I was anxiously awaiting an eight day stay in the hospital right after the New Year that would reveal to me whether I was a good candidate for epilepsy surgery. I was actually contemplating brain surgery! Eight Days of being dog-tied by wires stuck to my head would bring me a sense of freedom that I had not experienced in over four years. It's funny because around this time last year, hanging around the kitchen with Erich and his mother, she casually joked..."Maybe you have migraines." I guess she was right...

2007 brought the MCATs, applying to medical school, and leaving a city that I dearly loved, so that I could finally "Come Home," after eight years....With it came heartache and a lesson learned that respect can not be given, even by those that claim to be gentlemen; it must be commanded. I broke my own "living with someone" rules slightly, and discovered more about myself. In 2007, I learned the hard way that I cannot make someone love me...Although he will always be a dear friend, after three years, 2008 will be a year of emptying out space in my heart, so that I can let others in...

2007 also marked the death of someone who was like a second father to me, Benito Barragan...may he rest in peace...

2007 gave me the chance to become close to my sister, Heather.. We lived as roommates for the summer, which is a memory I will always cherish. She spent the summer being my little cheerleading squad, giving me the encouragement I needed to make it through retaking the MCATs and applying to medical school.

And finally in 2007 I was diagnosed with diabetes. And oddly I feel stronger now than ever. With a little help from exercise and diet I feel in control for the first time in a long time. I can even do 20 push-ups, which is a feat that I have not reached since before the age of 21...

So goodbye 2007! May you rest in peace. May 2008 bring me good news from medical schools, health for both my family and I, and happiness and love!

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