I finally joined the digital music world today! Goodbye CDs, Hello iPod. For the last few, years my family has done a gift exchange for Christmas. We draw names a year in advance and we each get one gift. In addition, we also have a White Elephant Gift Exchange (even more fun that the real gift exchange). Well, I got an iPod Shuffle this year, and I am quite stoked...
...But I detract from the real reason I am posting...I completely lost all self-discipline today (I kinda knew I would...after all Christmas only comes once a year). I started the day out with a 40 minute run, followed by another 20 minutes of a few sets of triceps curls, chest presses, push-ups, sit-ups, and of course a few minutes of planks! I felt strong and like I was ready to handle Christmas with self control...Brunch started out great. I filled my plate with large portions of protein--ham and eggs (no veggies at my family Christmas brunches)-- took only a small dollop of scalloped potatoes, and even limited myself to one-half of one of my grandmother's sticky buns. Figuring sticky buns are a close runner up for my all time favorite once-a-year food this took a LOT of self-control....but this is where it all ends...
First, as we all sat around the tree my grandma passed the candy tray around...she had made fresh toffee, and pecan rolls. "O.K. I'll just break a tiny bit off a piece of toffee..." Pretty soon a small piece became a big piece, and well by the end of the evening I was cutting

My boss yesterday told me not think of Christmas as cheating and as just part of the normal routine, because the word cheat insights feelings of guilt, which eventually leads to abandoning everything...so I did. And I ate, and it was yummy! And I had a wonderful day of blissful denial, and tomorrow it's back to salmon patties and Wasa fiber crackers for breakfast! Maybe next Christmas I'll be a better diabetic...
Merry Christmas Everyone!
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