So on Thursday as I was heading out to go to a company Padres baseball game, I received a phone call. I jumped when I realized the area code was from the Sacramento area. I must be mistaken...this couldn't be UC Davis, could it? It was!
I tried to stay calm, while the director of admissions asked how my day was going and what I was up to. "Stay calm, stay calm," I kept reciting to myself...
"Oh, I am having a great day," I said, "Just heading off to a baseball game with my work."
"Well, I am about to make your day even better and offer you a place in our medical school," he said.
All I know is that I must have said "Thank You" about twenty-thousand times. Then I proceeded to start to cry...not just get a little teary-eyed...but FULL ON SOBBING with tears streaming down my face. Any bystanders would have seriously thought someone had just told me there was a death in the family. It even caused the Director of Admissions to stop and ask if I was o.k... I was in such a state of shock that I had to ask the director, repeat the directions TWICE on what steps to take next!
Believe me that evening, I threw caution to the wind when it came to my normal diabetic diet (see you knew I'd bring in diabetes somewhere). With pre-dinner Margarita, pasta for dinner, a yummy strawberry creme desert, and a glass from an $85 dollar bottle of port that I had been saving for the occasion, you'd think I would have gone into a diabetic coma...I must have had Nick secretly worried the whole evening! Oh, and did I mention the $35 cigar that Nick brought out...I don't even smoke, but it was fabulous...But the weird thing about all this...just TWO-HOURS post-dinner my blood sugar was only 101! Very strange. I expected that I must have hit 300...I even tested the control to make sure it was correct! Mmm...maybe it was the alcohol...it does have a way of lowering my blood sugar. (o.k. the above paragraph is a good example of "How not to be a good diabetic").
Anyway, almost four days have gone by and I am still in a state of shock! Yippie!!!!!